Friday, November 2, 2007

Quest 12: Media 2.0

YouTube - Mr. Bean In the Library-
Here is one of my favorite Mr. Bean videos. He's so funny from his big red leather bookmark to his bottle of white-out. Thanks goes out to Mr. Bean and Ashstarr for posting it. Enjoy!

YouTube has turned everyone into a potential Steven Spielberg - at least self-proclaimed anyway. I first checked out YouTube when my brother posted some videos of my niece and sent family the link. So Missouri was only a click away, which is pretty neat.

However, I must say, finding a professionally appropriate video to post was no small feat. How shall I put this - I'm sure we all found a little bit to blush about. Some of the intro photos show you more than you ever wanted to see of some nameless male or female shaking something in your face. Anyway.... this brings me to my point about parents really needing to keep an eye on what their kids are viewing on the Internet. As a future parent in the pretty near future, it really opened my eyes and got me thinking about what young eyes can see. Just last week from the children's reference desk, I watched a girl, probably 7 years of age at the most, hop on over to the Internet(no parents in sight), quickly type in the YouTube address and away she went cruising for videos. Things that make you go hmmmmm. And as librarians, what role do we play? Internet guardians? Parental alerters? Innocent or uninnocent bystanders? Look out next generation. You are Web 2.0 and beyond.

Podcasting: NPR: Fresh Air
I listened to a podcast via iTunes. It was a "webisode?" of NPR's Fresh Air featuring Jerry Seinfeld who talked about his upcoming Bee Movie. I can see the real value in podcasts in that it's sort of like TiVo for the radio and real-life conferences. For example if you missed the NPR interview on your way to work that morning or were unable to make it to the National Book Festival to hear your favorite author, you can go a-searchin and listen or watch it all via podcast. We can't exactly record in advance though, maybe someday. ;c) Podcasting really brings the world to you, much like YouTube.

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