Monday, October 1, 2007

Quest 4: RSS & Newsreaders

RSS feeds do tame the savage news beast! It is very handy to have a few of your tried and true news sources all together. Just think of the carpal-tunnel causing clicks you're saving. I first heard about Bloglines from a teleconference by the College of Dupage viewed at the Main Library. Then when Michael Stephens and Web 2.0 came along to Charleston I knew I had to add his Tame the Web blog to my blogroll. I'm always looking for new and interesting RSS feeds to add. Thank you Tech Trek for suggesting the Unshelved comic strip. That adds some bright laughter to my day!

I think Bloglines is great and pretty user-friendly. My only minor complaint is an old pet-peeve I have about websites that don't automatically log you out if you should happen to forget to hit the log-out button. (which I forget all the time ;) Then the next computer user that goes to the Bloglines website sees your newsfeeds. Not that I'm subscribing to anything questionable - it's just a matter of privacy, especially if you're using a public Internet computer! Another feature that I wish was a little different is that upon clicking your new news links, it automatically marks them as "all read" even if you don't get a chance to read each one - and if you're like me and forget to mark them unread, they disappear. I've done this by accident on more than one occasion. ;c) And THEN I discovered the "Display items within the last 1 Hour 6 Hours 12 Hours 24 Hours 48 Hours 72 Hours Week Month All Items" that lets you see all the posts you thought you lost -- DUH! I caught on to this a little late. ;c)

Here is my blogroll - Tech Trekers - Thanks for the screen shots to get me through this process - it REALLY helped!

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