Thursday, October 25, 2007

Quest 8: Social Networking

I have now entered the world of MySpace, thanks to the great TLC class I attended a few weeks ago and the tips from a few knowledgeable fellow staffers at STA (Ms. KS, Ms. KB, and Ms. KM - AKA "The K Krew" - like K-Fed, but a whole lot cooler). I have a pretty basic page now, but I'm looking forward to getting some time to pretty it up with some of the user friendly profile editors like and

I think one of the neatest revolutions of Web 2.0 is the whole concept of push-button publishing and the fact that so many popular sites (YouTube, Blogger and profile editors like you access to the html code so that you can just copy and paste it into the right box and VOILA! there is your background, video, music player or picture; no need to learn complex code anymore.

I tried a few different times to get a Facebook account and try things out, but each time the security code area of the page said LOADING... and I wasn't able to complete the sign-up process. I plan to give it another go on a different computer. The one I was using in the staff room has been known to have a mind of it's own sometimes. ;c)

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